Monday 16 December 2013

7 things you should think about before deciding your relationship

It is absolutely true that many couples have a happy contented life. They genuinely, passionately love each other and lead a very happy life. The life we think is dream life. What if we can actually find "the one" or find someone who is in very close standards to who we describe as 'the one'? I am not saying we can manipulate love. But we can find a person who could be a great partner - the life partner! 

Most people have a list of things they would want from their partners like, height, eye color, olive theory, dog person, cat person etc. Even though, many people have a self-made list of ideas, they couldn't end up being in a relationship for a longtime. Where did they go wrong? 

We are prepared to think and work all our life to make money, years for mortgage; even for a job interview we spend hours. Being yourself to a good extent is very important. It is worth spending a good lonely evening or morning as you like, to

draw fine lines between: What do you want, What do you deserve, What do you need.

I spent hours and hours researching and watching a lot of shows, videos, TED Talks etc. I see some factors are very crucial.  

  1. Lifestyle
  2. Hobbies
  3. Gender Relationship
  4. Personal Space
  5. Past relationships
  6. Sensitiveness to a failed wish
  7. Friends / Family

1. Lifestyle

This is how you live everyday. You should really know to balance your lifestyle between what you are and what you want. Remember: Food plays a significant role here. Sometimes, you have to take a decision between Internet and a sailor! Do not take a chance. Live that life on your own without your crush/lover for 2 months. You never know! You might find more fun sailing than the Internet or will never sail again! 

2. Hobbies

This is a very important factor and I would say this is a bonding factor. We all like to talk and share our ideas. Social Media changed the perspective of many business simply because we like "likes". The single most problem with many couples is running out of content to talk about. How long can you talk about something you hate or do not have interest upon? It is absolutely very important to have common hobbies. It would help you have intellectual, funny and interesting conversations. First things first, develop hobby/hobbies. 

3. Gender Relationship

At times, have some controversial topics to chat about! You would come to know about your partner's opinion on all genders. It is absolutely important for you to know how you ideology of relationship should be. It does not mean only romantic relationships, it should be about father, mother, grandma, grandpa, sister, brother, nephew, niece etc. It is important you understand each others values about their own and other genders. It is absolutely important to speak about each others ideology of same gender relationships. It does not matter if you support the fact or not, but it is important for you to know your partner's opinion as well. 

4. Personal Space

Every single person has a personal space. You should absolutely respect that fact and know about each others personal space. If you are a person who needs a lot of time for yourself, you should know what you need and likewise as well. Feel free to speak about yourself. 

5. Past Relationship

It is not a good start to hide your past relationships. Many of us are just not lucky enough to meet the one for the first time. Do the math. You vs. the world population??? Promise yourself that you will never ever ever ever compare your partner with your ex or with anybody. This might be a deal breaker for many couples. I personally believe there cannot be a reason why 2 people could be the same! 

6. Sensitiveness to a failed wish

Miss a train! Forget a date! See what happens? how your partner reacts! How does he/she handle oneself? Tip: Go for a trek. An interesting article on how this reveals a person to its core. 

7. Friends & Family 

Life is.. well wait.. There is no life without friends and family! It is very important for you to understand each others friends. This will exactly tell you who your partner is. If you don't fit in at all in the first meeting, don't be disappointed. You should have common friends, which solves a lot of problems. Judge each others family values. It is important for you to love your family for someone to love yours and make one! 

Above all, trust is the basic factor, without which this will ultimately fail. If you think you could not establish trust with a person, it is probably not a good idea! There are many other factors, which I might not have thought of. Do not take all these factors and make yourself compatible to another person. This is about your quest! Feel free to share your thoughts.


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This is the takeaway of my perspective, influenced from many articles primarily:
Photo Credit: vivekchugh / Stock Exchange

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